Future in Aesthetics for Beauticians

The market is growing for innovation in terms of safe and effective devices that will allow beauty therapists to achieve impressive results for clients within their scope and without venturing into invasive Aesthetic Medicine procedures.

It’s an area of clients’ understanding of what it takes to achieve great skin coupled with technological innovations that completely do away with trauma and downtime.

Clients are starting to realize that skin health is number one and techniques like mesotherapy, which is non-invasive and can be done by beauty therapists. However, the therapist requires and must undergo adequate cosmetology training in Aesthetic Medicine prior to administering any injections. First, he/she must know the risk of any sharp object penetrating the skin barrier - this includes tetanus. The therapist must also understand the medics used in the procedure, and most importantly sterile practice of disposing of needles and not recycling them.

Treatments such as mesotherapy which is “massive in Malaysia amongst beauty centers”, will begin to gain favor, with clients who don’t want an aggressive approach or downtime willing to put in the time.

We are particularly interested in garnering attention for its ability to almost completely remove and re-pigment stretchmarks. It works by pumping sodium and potassium across the cell membranes, nourishing the cells and fibroblast, triggering collagen and elastin regeneration. This is combined with a vacuum-massage system to stimulate oxygen and nutrients in the blood and kick-start cellular metabolism to release toxins from the body.

The future for advanced therapists in aesthetics looks bright. We may well expect to see further innovation in non-invasive technologies that allow the wound-healing response to be completely bypassed, increasing the opportunities for therapists. But essential training and education are still essential to understand the basic foundations and principles of Aesthetic Medicine. And lastly, beauticians must restrain from performing invasive Aesthetic Medicine procedures such as toxins and fillers.