Nose Augmentation: Threads vs Fillers- A Comparative Study

In today’s article, Prof. Dr. Morthy, the Course Director of the International Institute of Wellness & Aesthetic Medicine will discuss the two popular methods used for Nose Augmentation: Threads and Fillers. As each method has its unique benefits and limitations, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis to help you make informed decisions for your patients.

About Nose Augmentation

Nose augmentation, also known as non-surgical rhinoplasty or liquid rhinoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to reshape and enhance the appearance of the nose without the need for traditional surgical intervention. Common concerns that can be addressed with nose augmentation include:

  • Nasal bridge augmentation to improve the height or straighten the bridge.

  • Correcting a flat or wide nasal bridge.

  • Camouflaging a dorsal hump (a bump on the bridge of the nose).

  • Lifting and defining the nasal tip.

  • Correcting minor asymmetries.

While there is no definite answer to which is the better procedure for nose augmentation, what we can do for you today is highlight the factors to consider, the major differences and similarities between both procedures.

[Also Read- Rhinoplasty: What To Expect Before And After The Aesthetic Procedure]

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Treatment Option

Patient Safety: Prioritizing the patient's safety and well-being is paramount. This means evaluating their medical history, allergies, and vascular and structural anatomy.

Anatomy: Evaluate the patient's nasal anatomy to determine the most suitable approach for their unique case. Especially for dermal filler procedures, the vascular and structural variability poses risks of vascular emboli, necrosis, stroke and even blindness.

Patient Expectations: Understand your patient's desired outcome and help them set realistic expectations for the results and timeline.

Experience and Training: Ensure that you, as a practitioner, have received comprehensive training and have experience in performing both threadlift and filler procedures for Nose Augmentation.

Longevity: Discuss the longevity of results with your patients, as this may influence their decision between the two options.

Budget: Help your patients understand the cost implications of each procedure and any potential maintenance treatments required.

Risks Involved in Both Fillers & Threads for Nose Augmentation

Like any medical procedure, there are inherent risks involved. Both practitioners and patients need to be aware of these potential risks to make informed decisions and ensure the best possible outcomes. Below are the risks associated with using fillers and threads for nose augmentation:

Risks of Using Fillers for Nose Augmentation:

Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some individuals may have allergic reactions to the components of the filler. Practitioners need to inquire about the patient's medical history and allergies before proceeding with the treatment.

Bruising and Swelling: Injection of the filler can cause temporary bruising and swelling at the injection site. This is a common side effect that usually subsides within a few days but can be bothersome for some patients.

Lumpiness or Irregular Contours: If the filler is not injected correctly or adequately distributed, it may lead to the formation of lumps or uneven contours on the nose. Skilled injection techniques are vital to achieve smooth and natural results.

Vascular Complications: In rare cases, the filler may inadvertently be injected into a blood vessel, leading to vascular complications. This can cause skin necrosis (tissue death) or even blindness if the filler obstructs blood flow to the eyes. Proper anatomical knowledge and injection skills are crucial to minimize this risk.

Infection: As with any injectable procedure, there is a risk of infection at the injection site. Practitioners should follow strict aseptic techniques and use sterile equipment to reduce the chances of infection.

Migration: Fillers can sometimes shift from the injection site over time, leading to undesirable results. To minimize this risk, practitioners should use appropriate filler types and injection techniques.

Risks of Using Threads for Nose Augmentation:

Infection: Like any procedure that involves the insertion of foreign materials, there is a risk of infection at the site of thread placement.

Extrusion or Migration: In rare cases, threads may migrate from their intended position or be expelled through the skin, resulting in suboptimal outcomes. Proper thread selection, placement, and fixation techniques can help reduce this risk.

Visibility or Palpability: Threads placed too close to the skin's surface may become visible or palpable, especially in patients with thin skin. Proper placement and selection of threads can minimize this issue.

Asymmetry: If threads are not placed symmetrically or do not produce consistent lifting effects, the result may be facial asymmetry.

Nerve or Blood Vessel Damage: Incorrect placement of threads may damage nerves or blood vessels, leading to complications like numbness or bruising.

General Risks for Both Fillers and Threads:

Granulomas: In some cases, the body may react to the filler material or threads by forming small lumps known as granulomas.

Unsatisfactory Results: As with any cosmetic procedure, there is a possibility that the patient may not be fully satisfied with the results. Proper patient counselling and managing expectations are essential to avoid disappointment.

To minimize the risks associated with both fillers and threads for nose augmentation, practitioners must undergo comprehensive training and stay updated on the latest techniques and safety guidelines. Patients should choose reputable and experienced practitioners who prioritize safety and provide realistic expectations for the outcomes of the procedure.

Fillers vs Threads- Which is Better for Nose Augmentation?

Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid to add volume and structure, providing instant results by shaping the nose and smoothing irregularities. Threads, on the other hand are made of biocompatible materials that lift and contour specific nasal areas. They stimulate collagen, yielding gradual, natural outcomes. Choosing between either treatment for nose augmentation involves careful consideration of various factors, with patient safety being of utmost importance. Let's explore the pros and cons of both fillers and threads to help you make an informed decision:

Advantages of Fillers for Nose Augmentation:

Immediate Results: Dermal fillers provide instant results, allowing patients to see the changes immediately after the procedure.

Non-Permanent: Fillers are not permanent, which can be appealing to patients who want to try a new look without committing to long-term changes.

Reversible: Hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be dissolved if the patient is unhappy with the results or wants to revert to their original appearance.

Minimal Downtime: Patients typically experience minimal downtime after filler injections, making it convenient for those with busy schedules.

Versatility: Fillers can be used to address various nasal concerns, including correcting a dorsal hump, improving symmetry, and enhancing the nasal tip.

Limitations of Fillers for Nose Augmentation:

Temporary Results: The results of fillers are temporary and may last anywhere from several months to over a year, requiring maintenance treatments.

Less Dramatic Changes: Fillers are better suited for subtle changes and enhancements. Significant reshaping may be better achieved with surgical rhinoplasty.

Advantages of Threads for Nose Augmentation:

Gradual and Natural Results: Threads stimulate collagen production over time, leading to natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Added Support: Threads provide structural support to the nose, making them beneficial for patients who need additional lift or contour.

Combination Treatments: Threads can be combined with other treatments for overall facial rejuvenation, addressing multiple concerns simultaneously.

Longer Lasting: The results of threadlift procedures can last longer than traditional fillers, often up to a year or more.

Limitations of Threads for Nose Augmentation:

Gradual Results: Threads provide more subtle changes compared to surgical rhinoplasty or fillers, which may not suit patients seeking immediate transformations.

Skill-Dependent: Proper placement and technique are crucial for successful threadlift procedures. Inexperienced practitioners may not achieve optimal results.

Possibility of Migration: There is a slight risk of threads migrating or becoming palpable under the skin, which requires careful technique and patient selection.

Remember, patient safety should always be the top priority, and it is crucial to provide each patient with personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs.

IIWAM offers comprehensive online threadlift and dermal filler training courses to provide aspiring practitioners with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform this advanced procedure safely and effectively, covering the proper techniques and safety measures for achieving successful outcomes.

About IIWAM Training

It is prudent that all Aesthetic practitioners undergo proper training in Aesthetic Medicine. The practitioner must balance between benefits & risks of the Aesthetic procedure and steps to mitigate complications if they occur. At IIWAM, we call it understanding the procedure, the product, and the patient, and our trainers pay utmost attention to teaching the following topics on nose augmentation using both filler and thread techniques-

  • Understanding nasal anatomy for nose augmentation.

  • What are the different techniques for nose augmentation?

  • What are the potential risks and complications in nose augmentation?

  • How do threads work in nose augmentation?

  • How are dermal fillers used in nose augmentation?

  • What are the different types of threads and fillers available?

  • What is the injection technique for fillers in nose augmentation?

  • How to manage patient expectations in nose augmentation procedure?

By choosing IIWAM for your nose augmentation training, you will gain the confidence and expertise needed to offer top-notch services to your patients. Apply for the best online Aesthetic courses from IIWAM today.

About IIWAM Aesthetic Education

International Institute of Wellness & Aesthetic Medicine ( is a private teaching institution that provides International Aesthetic Medical Certification programs for Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Aestheticians, and Spa Owners. Prof Dr Morthy, the course director for the Institute, is a key opinion leader for Aesthetic Medicine in the region, and a trainer for several teaching institutions.

The International Institute of Wellness & Aesthetic Medicine (IIWAM) has academic affiliations with several countries, including Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, India and Indonesia. With our insignia of “Be Certified & Be Recognized”, the Institute develops knowledgeable, skilled, and confident aesthetic practitioners of international repute.
IIWAM is the only Institute to have its Programs certified by City & Guilds of London, CPD Standards Office (UK) and  European International University (Paris). IIWAM is also a registered CPD Training provider for Malaysian Medical Association.

IIWAM also offers Cosmetic Procedures and Stem Cell treatment at IIWAM Wellness Centre ( that are safe, effective, and affordable.